Thursday, 8 January 2009


Little going on at present for obvious reasons, times like this that im relieved that gambling is no longer my sole source of income !!

Just would like to take this opportunity to post a couple of comments recent published under the Quality not Quantity posts ........................

Dariusz said...
Hi there, I suppose you must be pissed off with Betfair, their charges and customer service and the general lack of competition in betting exchanges. I developed a website: we have a couple of members already even though the site is on for a couple of hours.Check it out and please do sign in. It would be awesome if you could write something about the website on your blog and try to motivate people to sign in and take part in our experiment. Tell it to people you know as well. I know the website will not do a miracle but anyway it will raise awareness of Betdaq and that something is happening there. Plus it will show to Betfair that there is some resistance and this may make them think twice before any new scams. You can leave your blog name in the Name section of the “create an account” and I will post a link to your blog next to your name on the list. If you have any comments, suggestions, want to contribute an article please write to:
07 January 2009 12:41
Happy to oblige Dariusz, monopolies are never good (unless you have the monopoly!) and lets face it thats what Betfair has. Competition is the only way we can drive down commission charges, i have accounts with both Betmate ( and WBX (, Betmate is infact Betdaq but with a lower commission rate !! The problem with the rivals is liquidity and tightness in price, you could drive a bus through some of the spreads !!! BUT if we sit on our backsides and just continue to blindly put all our business the way of betfair , the balance of power will only swing one way in favour of betfair and againt the exchange user !! So the short of it Dariusz is that i strongly support you website and stance on this matter GOOD LUCK DD !!!!
08 January 2009 09:31

Its in all our interests to support this campaign (if you use an exchange that is !)

All the best

3% Commission @

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