Friday 9 January 2009

OPTIMUM RACING.................

was my only source of action today, although it caught me by surprise as i was down the gym at the time, with Kelso off i was not expecting a bet, but Andrew advised a Cheltenham Ante Post bet. So if any members of the service did not call today, give it a ring !!
I wont post the bet here as there are probably subscribers who are yet to get on and it would ot be fair on them.
Toying with the idea of going for a day at the festival but i think i wil give it a miss as the size of crowds spoil my enjoyment , i prefer the meetings in november, december and january where there is a decent atmosphere and you can freely move around.
I have never paid so much attention to the weather forecasts as i have the last 10 days or so, and it looks like from Sunday afternoon onwards we should see a welcome change in the climate, roll on next week then !!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cheers for the reminder Greg.....Typically I didn't bother ringing today and managed to miss the price!!!

Fingers crossed for some jumping action soon, this AW is killing me....
